Thursday, 8 April 2010

Paul Abbott - UKIP

I now have some more details on Paul Abbott the new UKIP candidate. He is the same Paul Abbott who runs the Micklegate Post Office and is involved in various local campaigns through the Micklegate Traders Association.

Paul Abbott now has his own page on the UKIP Candidates website which is rather charmingly rambling and full of spelling mistakes. This page gives some basic biographical information but is rather light on policies and ideas. Giving his reasons for standing in this election Paul Abbott says that
I want to become a Member of Parliament primarily because of what I learn over our post office counter. Bearing in mind it is 2010; it is an absolute disgrace how we treat the elderly, family life, students, self employed, ex armed forces and freedoms.
Paul Abbott doesn't give any indication what he would do to improve things, but it is early on in the campaign so there is time yet.

Interestingly, given that he is the UKIP candidate, there isn't much mention on Paul Abbott's UKIP Candidate page of Europe.

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